Saturday, February 18, 2012

What weapons should i use in the nazi zombie for black ops for the xbox 360?

what weapons should i use in the nazi zombie for black ops? the first level of zombie fives and the new nazi zombie map in black ops? give me tips and hints or even glitches if u know some or strategy for all of the nazi zombie maps in black ops?What weapons should i use in the nazi zombie for black ops for the xbox 360?
on five there are two glitches, the table glitch(witch is now unusable for live) and the barrier glitch. the table glitch which most peopke know is fairly easy. first you go to the window in the first room at the right side of the long, skinny table, then you break out the bottem two pieces of glass and place 2 pieces of your barrier on it, then go to the left side of it and glitch jump onto the boards and go up and stand on the door frame, then run jump to the skinny table. the zombies can still get u on that table so jump to the large table in the center of the room... then the barrier glitch takes a little practice, but it works. in the first room, undo the door and then go down the elevator. DONT BREK THE BARRIER ON THE DOUBLE STAIRCASE because you can jump over it. stand at the top of the staircase on the right side and run jump over the barrier... its frustrating because you definatly wont make it the first million times lol but it does work... the only bad thing about it is you cant buy ANY barriers or the zombies will start coming after you... you can buy the stakeout and its ammo. the zombies will stay on the top floorWhat weapons should i use in the nazi zombie for black ops for the xbox 360?
in the new map all i do is is hit the box and hope to get a gun and not a rocket or anything.if i get anygun i just wait up near the power until i get enough money for juggernaut than i can go anywhere without dyingWhat weapons should i use in the nazi zombie for black ops for the xbox 360?
Stake out and ray gun
Use Jesus. Zombies and other devilish things hates the sight of Jesus

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