Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do i use bouncing bettys in Call of Duty: Black ops zombies maps? I am in Kino Der Toten..?

There are bouncing bettys in BO if u get hardened edition for old maps but kino dosnt have BBs just Claymore near power switch i think good luck :DHow do i use bouncing bettys in Call of Duty: Black ops zombies maps? I am in Kino Der Toten..?
there are no bouncing bettys but there are claymores.

location: opposite of the m16

object: anti-personnel(zombie) mine exploding 700 tiny fragmentations

instruction: but off the wall, hit right on D pad, place in spot of choice

amount: 2 claymoresHow do i use bouncing bettys in Call of Duty: Black ops zombies maps? I am in Kino Der Toten..?
There are none. If you are referring to the Claymores, it depends on your settings. It is the equipment slot, and you can change it to your likings. Also, once you buy it, you will receive text on your screen saying how to use it.How do i use bouncing bettys in Call of Duty: Black ops zombies maps? I am in Kino Der Toten..?
just in case you got the maps mixed up and are on a older map. you use them just like a normal claymore.

hope it helps
There is no bouncing bettys in zombies.

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